Confidence is Beautiful
Book a time at our tranquil Studio for Eyelash Extensions, Microblading, Cosmetic Tattoo and Aesthetic Skin care
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Book a time at our tranquil Studio for Eyelash Extensions, Microblading, Cosmetic Tattoo and Aesthetic Skin care
What are Eyelash Extensions?
Eyelashes extensions are long-lasting and expertly applied, they look natural and are absolutely safe to wear. Every set is individually styled – taking into account your facial features, shape of your eyes and the structure of your natural lashes.
Lash extensions come in many different lash curls, lengths and thicknesses which all play an important factor in how a finished set of lash extensions will look on each client.
Lashes by Jade specialize in Russian volume (3-6D volume) eyelash extensions, and Classical eyelash extensions. Classic lashes are applied one by one to create a more natural look, simply adding some extra length and curl. Russian volume lashes on the other hand are very light, handmade fans applied to your natural lashes to create a more fluffy and glamorous look. Each fan is made on the spot and carefully styled to suit the client’s facial features.
Full Set Lashes
Full Set of Lashes is what we, lash stylists, call the first application of lash extensions on your natural lashes.
Arriving to your first appointment
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment to fill up the entry form and prepare for the appointment. Please make sure you come without eye make-up, or if you happen to have some on I have to kindly ask to remove it.
The first appointment will start with a 10 minute consultation. In the consultation I will explain the entire process of applying lashes from the very beginning. We will also discuss lash hygiene and aftercare.
If you are not sure what do book, feel free to book a free 20-minute consultation first, where we can discuss different types of lashes and choose the most suitable lash style for you. You can find out more about the free consultation.
If you are not sure if lash extensions are the right fit for you, you are welcome to come to a free 10-minute consultation – it’s a great way to get to know me, learn more about different types of lashes and what to expect and ask any questions you might have.
In the free consultation I will explain the entire process of applying lashes from the very beginning. I will also tell you about different types of lashes – explain the difference between classic, volume and a mix set of lashes. We will discuss different curls, lash hygiene, aftercare and choose the most suitable lash style for you.
Eyes are a very delicate area, so it is important to me that you feel comfortable with the process and know what to expect.
If you are not sure about the lashes that have been applied elsewhere, you are more than welcome to book in for a free consultation to have me take a look and make sure everything is as it should be. It is important to me that your lashes are healthy and that you are happy and comfortable with your extensions.
Consultation can be booked together with a friend. To book a free consultation, please get in touch via email or text.
Cleaning of lashes
After the consultation we will start with cleaning your lashes to make sure there is no residue and your lashes are well prepared for the application of your brand new extensions.
Application of lashes
Lash application is a long process and can be very time consuming. I have put a lot of effort in to making sure your appointment is as comfortable as possible – all you have to do is relax on the cozy clean Eyelash Bed and specially designed pillow. Extra blankets are provided to make you feel just that little bit more relaxed.
I always apply extensions on all of your lashes – even the tiny little lashes get their own superlight extensions to give your lashes that extra bit of fullness.
As much as I would love to chat to all my clients (I’ve made so many friends through doing this!), I will have to ask you to be quiet and still – for safety reasons. Adhesive likes humidity and your eyes are very moist, so it is important to make sure you don’t open your eyes – we don’t want any lash fumes getting into your eyes.
Relaxing and enjoyable
Lash process is pain free and enjoyable. I can play music and You can always request your favourites music as well.
Your comfort is of upmost importance to me, so feel free to let me know straight away if anything is uncomfortable or disturbing you.
Full set extensions takes about 3-4hours for the Classic eyelash and 3-5hours for the Russian Volume.
Section light Classic Lash
individual lashes fan together to make sections to be applied sectionally. its a quicker and more economic option for the customers that have no time for the individual lash application. still affordable quality products keeping the skilled technician at your disposal.
Classic Eyelash
a premade, not as dark and as noticeable compare classic lash extensions. This is good for clients has very thin or very short natural lashes
Section Light Classic Eyelash $95
2 week fill $35
3 week fill $45
Classic Eyelash
One extension is applied to each natural lash creating a longer natural look.
Classic Eyelash extensions set $135
2 - 4 week fill $65
Natural looking eyelash extensions applied one by one to achieve the maximum result.
Classic lashes are where it all began. They are natural looking and luxurious eyelash extensions mostly used for everyday wear, perfect for people with dense and healthy lash line.
Classic lash extensions come in a large variety of thickness and length, but I tend to use no more than 0.15mm in thickness and 17mm in length. This is mostly to retain your natural lash health and minimise the wear and tear on your own lashes.
Classic eyelash extensions are single synthetic lashes applied directly to the natural lash, close to your natural lash line with a small amount of adhesive bonding. In the case of classic eyelashes, the extensions are applied one by one – just one single eyelash extension on a single natural eyelash.
Classic lashes are best suited for people who are after the everyday mascara look and have a good amount of natural lashes to start with. Classic lashes are not meant to look fake and when done well, they add so much to your look.
If your current lash health is not the best and your lashes are rather thin, then Russian Volume lashes, might be a better choice for you.
I always apply extensions to 100% of your own lashes to achieve the maximum result.
Glamour Eyelash Extensions
Step above a classic set but not as full as a volume set. It's the best of both worlds mixed together.
Glamour/ Hybrid Set (Very Close to Volume) - $145
Glamour 2 - 4 Week Fill - $75
Volume Eyelash Extensions
A fan of 3+ lashes are placed on one natural lash creating a full, dramatic look.
Volume Set - $165
Volume 2 - 4 Week Filll - $85
Combination of classic and volume lashes for someone who wants a natural look with just a bit of extra volume.
Classic + 2D, 3D Lashes are just like the name says – a combination of classic and volume (2D, 3D) lashes. Perfect if you are after a classic look with just that little extra volume.
The terms 2D, 3D are used to describe how many lashes are in the fan or bouquet of lashes. So 2D lash means that 2 extensions are placed onto one natural lash, 3D means 3 lashes; and so on.
On half of your lashes, classic technique is used – the extensions are applied one by one – just one single eyelash extension on a single natural eyelash. On the other half fans consisting of 2 or 3 lash extensions (2D, 3D) are applied.
The lashes used to create the fans are a bit thicker than the Russian Volume Lashes (0.1 vs 0.07), but still light enough to allow using several extensions on one lash.
I create all the 2D, 3D fans by hand using single lashes, instead of using pre-made fans – it gives me more freedom to cater to your specific needs, to take into account your lash health and avoid using excessive amount of glue. The artistic freedom I get from custom building the fans specifically for your eye is very rewarding as it just gives the best results in the both the look and the durability of your lash extensions.
I always apply extensions to 100% of your own lashes to achieve the maximum result.
Mega Volume Eyelash Extensions or Russian Volume
This is maximum volume! A fan of 8+lashes will be placed on one natural lash creating dark, dense, dramatic lashes.
Mega Set - $200
Mega Fill - $90
Fan or bouquet of lightweight lashes applied to a single lash to create a more dramatic and extravagant look.
Russian volume lashes are the latest trend in the world of lash extensions. This technique originates from Russia, where lash stylists created a bouquet of lashes, fanning out 2-8+ super lightweight single lashes and placing them on to one natural lash to create the fullest-looking lashes possible.
The lash extensions used here a very thin and lightweight so they wouldn’t be too heavy for your natural lashes to carry. In fact Russian Volume Lashes are so light that 6 of them weigh the same as one single classic lash extension. Placing too many thicker and heavier lash extensions on just one single lash can cause damage to your natural lashes, which is why it is important to use lightweight extensions when applying more than one extension on one single lash.
The fans used for Russian Volume Lashes are all created by hand using single lashes, instead of using pre-made fans. I craft each fan out of numerous lashes using a set of tweezers before attaching them on to your existing lashes. Compared to using pre-made fans, this gives me more freedom to cater to your specific needs, to take into account your lash health and avoid using excessive amount of glue.
The artistic freedom I get from custom building the fans specifically for your eye is very rewarding as it just gives the best results in the both the look and the durability of your lash extensions.
I always apply extensions to 100% of your own lashes to achieve the maximum result.
If you are not sure if lash extensions are for you, you are welcome to come to a free 20-minute consultation – it’s a great way to get to know me, learn more about different types of lashes and what to expect and ask any questions you might have. We will discuss different curls, lash hygiene, aftercare and choose the most suitable lash style for you.
In an infill appointment I will first check the condition of your lash extensions. Everyone’s lashes are different and the amount of care needed in an infill appointment depends on many things, such as lifestyle, genes, stress, aftercare, habits and even pregnancy. Hormones can play a big role here.
Lash Extension Infills
An average person has between 90-260 lashes per eye (upper lid) and I apply lash extensions on all of them.
Each eye sheds approximately 2-5 lashes per day. On average this is 3 lashes per eye, per day:
To maintain a full look infills are needed every 2-3 weeks – you need to still have at least 40-50% of your lashes on for your appointment to qualify as an infill. If you have less than that left or your lashes are in poor condition, we might have to remove the remaining extensions and start from the beginning.
Please note that infills done more than 3 weeks after your last appointment are considered as a new full set.
Arriving to your appointment
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your to fill up the entry form and prepare for the appointment. Please make sure you come without eye make-up, or if you happen to have some on I have to kindly ask to remove it.
Changing Styling
We can change the styling of your lashes in every infill appointment. For example we can go from cat eye to doll look and vice versa, same with classic lashes to Russian volume and vice versa. Please keep in mind that it takes 2 appointments to see the full effect of the changed look. If you want to have new flawless styling at once, then I recommend removing your old extensions and starting with a new full set.
Infill Process
I start with removing all your grown out lashes first. If you come to an infill appointment and have only 40%-50% extensions left, some of them will have to be removed.
I will then clean your lashes to make sure there is no residue left and your lashes are well prepared for the application of your brand new extensions.
After that I will apply the extensions to your new natural lashes.
As much as I would love to chat to all my clients (I’ve made so many friends through doing this!), I will have to ask you to be quiet and still – for safety reasons. Adhesive likes humidity and your eyes are very moist, so it is important to make sure you don’t open your eyes – we don’t want any lash fumes getting into your eyes
Infills take about 1.5 - 3 hours for Classic Lashes and 3 -5 hours for Russian Volume Lash
Eyebrow microblading is known by several names, including microstroking, micropigmentation, eyebrow embroidery, eyebrow feathering, and 3D eyebrows. Although the names differ, the procedure is the same. Microblading fills in sparse areas of your natural brow, which is done by using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the dermal layer of the skin. The result is a natural, real life looking hair stroke.
Microblading is not permanent. The results from microblading have semi permanent qualities for two reasons. First, the pigment used for microblading has an iron oxide base rather than a carbon base that is used for permanent cosmetics. Second, microblading pigment is not implanted into the skin as deep when compared to permanent cosmetic procedures.
Microblading tends to fade gradually over time, so a touch up is recommended 12-18 months after the initial microblading which keeps the color of each microstroke looking vibrant. It’s important to know, even though the color gradually gets lighter, it will not fade into shades of blue or pink like the fading that occurs with permanent cosmetics.
The healed results of microblading last between one and three years. The variation in time is determined by lifestyle, sun exposure and skin type. Someone with an oilier skin type tends to experience results that fade quicker compared to someone with a drier skin type.
The average microblading appointment lasts two hours. Nothing is ever rushed during your microblading appointment because the results are a semi permanent eyebrow tattoo that stays on your face for an extended period of time. We insist on being thorough and taking the time to provide the most beautiful, natural looking brows possible.
Keeping in mind that pain is subjective, most clients say they experience no discomfort during microblading. Any pain that was experienced has been compared to the feeling of a light scratch with minimal discomfort. Brows by Jade uses a specialized technique to apply a topical anesthetic to provide a comfortable microblading experience. Some clients have even been able to take a nap while undergoing their eyebrow transformation.
Brows by Jade takes pride in creating extremely natural looking eyebrows. Natural looking results are made possible by mastering three key elements of microblading; brow shaping, color theory, and microstroking technique. Brows by Jade has mastered each element in order to give your brows the natural, gorgeous look you want. Feel free to review some of our before and after pictures in the gallery.
The aftercare is not complicated, but it does require some diligence to provide the best possible microblading results. During the first week, microblading aftercare requires washing the microbladed eyebrows with a mild antibacterial soap at the start and finish of each day followed by applying the aftercare ointment. Except when cleaning and applying the aftercare ointment, making sure nothing else comes in contact with the eyebrow area is critical. Activities involving sun exposure, water, and even exercise to prevent perspiration, need to be avoided. It is imperative to follow the aftercare instructions to get the best possible healed results. Please refer to the aftercare page for additional information.
The color will appear darker through the first week or so. This is because the pigment takes around seven days to enter the deeper layers of the skin. After seven to ten days, exfoliation takes place. The top layer of the skin peels off, leaving a softer, lighter color below. The result leaves you with softer and more natural lines. As the treated area continues to heal, itching may occur. Itching is a good sign as it means the skin is healing. The complete healing process for microbladed eyebrows typically takes six weeks and then a touch up appointment follows. The touch up appointment is scheduled during the initial microblading appointment for six to ten weeks later.
Microblading starts at $400.00. This not include a touch up appointment scheduled six to ten weeks after the initial microblading occurred. Touch up cost $150 Please refer to the services page for additional pricing information.
What is Photofacial?
A Photofacial, or laser skin rejuvenation, is a state-of-the-art skin treatment that stimulates the production of collagen to improve the effects of sun damage, rosacea, fine lines, large pores, and more.
Average price per session:
Typical downtime: none
Note that it is generally recommended to avoid excess sun exposure / tanning for 2 weeks prior to any Photofacial procedure; additionally, it is recommended to stop active skin care products at least 48 hours prior to your procedure.
How long do Photofacial lasts?
How long does it take for Photofacial treatments to work? You will see some improvement about a week out of each treatment. The maximum results will be visible 3-5 months out if you do a series of treatments about 1 month apart each. It is not unusual to have your results vary with each treatment.
Is Photofacial painful?
photofacial is one of the safest light-based treatments on the market. Photorejuvenation cause little to no pain during or after treatment, and any side effects on the skin usually vanish within a few hours and up to a few days after the treatment.
How many Photofacial treatments needed?
How Many Photofacial Treatments Are Required to See Results? Anywhere from 2 to 6 treatments are recommended for optimal results, depending on the skin conditions being treated. Read up on what happened with my own treatment plan to find out how many I needed.
Is Photofacial is good for wrinkles?
The IPL photofacial is an effective way to minimize the aesthetic impact of enlarged pores, light wrinkles, and moderate sun damage. ... Laser skin resurfacing, on the other hand, is used to deal with more serious skin problems, such as deep wrinkles, serious sun damage, and severe acne scarring.
Is Photofacial Results Permanent?
Are Photofacial Results Permanent? In short, yes, Photofacial treatment results are permanent, however, the skin is susceptible to additional damage through sun exposure. ... You can see the noticeable results, but more treatments will be necessary for her brown and red spots to disappear completely.
Photofacial treat the following conditions:
Photofacial is used to treat the following conditions:
What is Light Therapy or LED Facial Mask?
LED light masks and devices are best used to help stimulate collagen production and kill the bacteria that cause acne breakouts, though they don't replace your regular skin-care routine.
Advance Phototherapy $50
Basic Phototherapy $35
LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive hand and facial treatment that uses narrow band, non-thermal LED light energy to trigger your body’s natural cell processes to accelerate rejuvenation and repair of the skin. It’s recommended for skin rejuvenation, sun damage, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, sensitive and inflammatory conditions, wound healing and scarring as well as anyone looking to restore skin’s radiance.
We use LED in every single facial. We start with the cleaning of the skin which includes a Lactic brightening-peel and extractions if needed. We then go onto the advanced side of the facial and finish with a full session (20 minutes) of LED.
If someone is coming only for LED we clean the skin, then apply LED and SPF to finish.
Is LED Facial Mask treatments works?
YES, Blue light is generally used to kill the bacteria that causes acne, providing an effective treatment for blackheads and whiteheads, whereas wavelengths of red light are normally used to speed up healing and stimulate collagen production, simultaneously shrinking enlarged pores and tightening the skin
How long does it take for light therapy to work?
When you begin light therapy, your first response will show you whether you need to adjust the intensity or duration. Many people respond to light therapy within 3 to 5 days. If you don't respond to treatment within the first week, you may notice improvement in the second week.
What does light therapy do?
LED Light Therapy is great in every single facial to calm any areas of irritation and it’s also brilliant at brightening the skin.
When used consistently, over time, LED lights are thought to penetrate your skin at different depths and cause various reactions in your skin, such as fighting acne-causing bacteria, plumping skin and reducing wrinkles.
A course of treatments offers corrective and long-lasting results, although you’ll be able to see a difference after the first session. Light therapy is also particularly calming, so you’ll leave feeling refreshed.
How does therapy works?
LED Light Therapy uses colour wavelengths of visible light which have specific skin benefits. As a result of ageing, skin disorders or trauma, healthy skin cells are compromised and unable to renew themselves normally.
The skin uses the light as a source of energy to fuel the repair and rejuvenation of damaged cells, or, in the case of treating acne, kill bacteria. The energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, boosts circulation and accelerates tissue repair. During the treatment, you’ll simply lie underneath a light screen while the device does all the work.
What types of light are there and what do they do?
Blue Light
This is a powerful antibacterial properties for the treatment of acne without irritation, reduces oil production, prevents future breakout and offers a UV-free alternative for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.
Red Light
This increases natural hydration levels, reduced redness and inflammation, shrinks the appearance of pore, regulates oil production, improves circulation, accelerates skin repair as is a medically-approved treatment for rosacea.
Near Infrared Light
This is the most deeply absorbed wavelength, it increases cell permeability and absorption, smooths lines and wrinkles, improves elasticity, reduces pain and inflammation, accelerates wound healing and heals cystic acne.
Orange light
Revitalizes skin, bringing out the glow in skin for special occasions.
Yellow light
Reduces swelling, redness and inflammation. Used to treat sunburns.
Green light
Creates a calming effect on skin with anti-inflammatory properties. Lightens hyper pigmentation of spots revealing a brighter complexion.
What skin types should try light therapy?
Light therapy is good for all skin types, literally everyone, and incredible for rosacea.
Does light therapy hurt or painful?
No, LED light therapy is completely non-invasive and does not hurt. All you'll feel is a tiny bit of warmth.
Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal
Laser hair removal treatments are an FDA approved method for permanent hair reduction, but not permanent hair removal. It may require multiple treatments to have the best results.
$40 Upper lip
$40 Ears
$40 Chin
$40 Mans beards
$40 Side of face
$40 Cheeks
$40 Neck
$40 Back of neck
Upper Torso
$100 Shoulder
$40 Under arms
$120 Forearms
$120 Upper arms
$240 Full arms
$55 Hands and fingers
$120 Chest
$40 Areola
$120 Abdomen
$55 Abdomen strip
$120 Upper back
$120 Lower back
$260 Full back
$275 Back with shoulder
Lower Extremity
$60 Bikini line
$120 Extended bikini
$185 Brazillian
$20 Buttocks
$120 Lower leg
$120 Upper leg
$240 Full leg
$120 Feet and toes
Contact us for Package deal
Laser hair removal generally requires 5- 7 sessions. However, we offers individual treatments.
Laser hair removal involves destroying hair follicles with a laser and heat. This slows hair regrowth.
A person will need to attend follow-up sessions every 6-8 weeks to prevent the hair from regrowing.
How long before laser hair falls out ?
Do the hairs fall out right away? In many patients the skin is slightly pink for 1-2 days; in others (generally, fairer patients) there is no pinkness after laser hair removal. Hairs begin to fall out in 5-14 days and may continue to do so for weeks.
Is it painful ?
The pain is so mild, in fact, that a better word to describe it would be discomfort, so much so that most patients don't need numbing cream for this. Your legs are one of the most (relatively) pain-free areas when it comes to laser-hair removal pain.
How long you should shave before your hair removal ?
Shave, don't wax!
Instead, shave the treatment area 12-14 hours before your appointment. A clean shave with a sharp razor is must, we don't want the laser targeting longer hairs that sit above the skin, as this runs the risk of causing burns.
Do I need to shave before Brazillian Laser?
To ensure your treatment is effective, the root of the hair needs to be present in the follicle without any hair sitting above the skin. This means you need to shave the area 12 hours before your appointment and avoiding waxing, epilating or use of depilatory creams at least two weeks prior.
What should i do after laser hair removal?
Post Care
What happens If you shave right after laser ?
You should shave no less than 24 hours before the day of your next treatment to avoid irritation on the skin. When you shave the treatment area, you also superficially exfoliating the skin and this may cause some sensitivity. After your laser hair removal session you may shave the area after 48 hours, if need be.
How Will I Know If Laser Hair Removal Is Working?
1. Your hair becomes slower to regrow.
2. It's lighter in texture.
3. You find it easier to shave.
4. Your skin is less irritated.
5. Ingrown hairs have started to disappear.
6. Your hair free periods in between your sessions are increasing dramatically.
Please note: For clients with darker skin tones (Fitzpatrick scale 3 - 6) we recommend only using systems with 10 laser paddles. This reduces the possibility of Hypo-Pigmentation as the duration of the treatment is reduced to only 10 minutes per area.
When will I see the Results?
Results are instant and cumulative over the 8 sessions
What is Laser Lipo?
Laser lipo can really be used to non-invasively remove excess fat cells from your body. However, it’s important to note that it is most effective when you have at least an inch of pinchable fat.
Is Laser lipo® is for Everyone? Important Safety information:
The Laser lipo® procedure is not for everyone. You should not have the Laser lipo® procedure if you suffer from All forms of previous/current cancer
How it works?
The clinically proven, non-invasive laser treatment penetrates the skin to selectively target the fat cells underneath, leaving blood vessels, nerves and other tissue undisturbed.
When the fat cells absorb the energy from the lasers they release water, glycerol and free fatty acids. The harmless fat cell content is then removed from the body through lymphatic drainage, giving results that get better over time.
How many treatments will I need?
A course of 8 treatments which are performed twice a week for 4 weeks and with a minimum of 48 hours between each treatment.
Can I have more than one area treated at one time?
Yes, however you must be prepared to perform more cardio vascular exercises to maintain your results.
Will the inches stay off after a treatment?
Yes, providing you maintain a healthy, balanced diet and exercise routine. Do not eat 1 hour before or 3 hours after the treatment – this helps burn the fat being released from the fat cells as energy. Exercise is also essential after having the treatment. 20 minutes of cardio helps the lymphatic system remove the free fatty acid cells from your body. You must exercise within 12 hours after having a session.
What actually happens to the fat?
Following treatment, the glycerol is rapidly absorbed by the body. The water carries the free fatty acids through the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys which will then exit the body through your urine.
Does the treatment hurts?
No, there is zero pain and zero discomfort. You feel a comfortable warm feeling in the treatment area which is known to make some clients fall asleep.
Will I have to keep coming back to keep my results?
No, the results are permanent if you maintain a sensible lifestyle, a healthy diet and an exercise plan. Following these will ensure your inch loss results are retained.
How long does the treatment take?
The duration of your treatment depends largely on the size of the areas being treated, the number of areas being treated, how much fat is in the treatment area, and how much fat you’d like removed. However, on average, you can expect each treatment area to take an hour. Therefore, if you are targeting three areas, your treatment session will take three hours.
After Care
It is essential that you carry out at least 20 minutes cardiovascular to burn the fat as fuel to retain the instant results. Without this the fat cells will return to normal within 24 hours. Vibro plates do not replace exercise. In addition, a clean, healthy diet without excessive alcohol will retain results for longer.
Per treatment
$650 - $1200 Abdomen (35 - 60 mins)
$650 Arms (35 mins)
$650 Buttocks (35 mins)
$650 Calves (35 mins)
$650 Face (35 mins)
$650 Thighs (35 mins)
Package Deal
$2000 For 4 Sessions Abdomen
$2000 For 4 Sessions Arms
$2000 For 4 Sessions Buttocks
$2000 For 4 Sessions Calves
$2000 For 4 Sessions Face
$2000 For 4 Sessions Thighs
$3400 For 4 Any Combo of Any 2 Areas
$350 Per treatment ( Maintenance)
What is tattoo Removal?
Tattoo removal works by using powerful lasers to break down the pigment from your healed tattoo. The lasers fracture these otherwise solid pigment particles in the second layer of skin, also called the dermis. These particles are then broken up into pieces small enough to be filtered and processed out by the body’s immune system. However, as strong as these lasers may be, tattoo removal never makes a design disappear 100 percent due to the makeup of tattoo ink.
Does Tattoo Removal works?
In short, laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective method for getting rid of that old ink available today. Because it uses only lasers, it is a relatively noninvasive treatment that targets only the ink of your unwanted tattoo and leaves the surrounding skin unaffected.
"Compounded with the invasive procedure of tattooing, and then relying on one’s immune system to process the ink out, my office (and the industry as a whole) considers full removal to be 90-95 percent," "We will never guarantee 100 percent removal due to the sheer number of variables."
There are a number of these variables that affect how much and how quickly your tattoo fades, according to Panic. Designs with white pigments tend to shift to a brownish-black due to titanium dioxide, rather than fading from their original light color. YELLOW is also almost impossible to remove with a laser, so hues with a strong yellow undertone may present major problems.
Cover-up tattoos, black-out tattoos, heavy tribal tattoos, and thick blackwork may be challenging as well due to the pigment saturation and any trauma the skin faced during tattooing.
The placement has to be considered too; wrist, hand, finger, ankle, foot, or toe tattoos tend to fade fairly slowly, requiring a higher number of treatments.
Based on the variables, those looking to have their tattoo lasered may consider simply having the ink faded rather than almost fully removed.
"80% or more of the clients coming into my studio are not looking to remove a tattoo," noted Panic. "[They want] to have it faded with two to four treatments so their tattoo artist can do a cover up tattoo with virtually no compromises."
Tattoo removal is painful?
Laser tattoo removal typically does involve some level of pain. That said, many say that it hurts less than they expected. It's a common belief that tattoo removal is excruciating, yet most patients say that the sensation of removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied.
Side effects:
When treatments are conducted by a certified laser professional, the possibility of any adverse side effects is very low. However, blistering may occur in some places due to pigment density or color. Any negative side effects you see will most likely come from poor after care, though, says Panic. You shouldn’t expect to see anything wrong with your removal as long as proper procedure is followed after your treatments.
One thing to keep in mind is how your skin may react to the laser treatment. According to Panic, clients with darker skin tones are more susceptible to hypopigmentation -which is where the area of removal ends up lighter than the original skin tone. This effect is due to the lasers destroying melanin in the concentrated area. In extreme cases, white spots may form where the tattoo was instead of fading to a natural skin color.
"Unlike healing a fresh tattoo, there's no open wound, so the healing process is much easier for clients,"
After Care:
Post-treatment, you can expect to have some minor swelling, redness, tenderness, bruising, or slight sensitivity to touch. avoid exposure to heat, direct sunlight, and swimming for at least 10 days after each appointment. In the same vein, to avoid getting too warm yourself, it’s best to stay away from exercising, saunas, or extremely hot showers for three to five days. We suggests wearing a quality sunscreen, just as you should every day. Otherwise, you can go about your life as normal.
Tatoo removal costs
the general measurement is that anything X-Small (under the size of a quarter) is $100 per session. The laser tattoo removal price increases by appx. $50 as you increase the level of surface area, with the largest tattoos taking up to $500 per session to remove.
Book yours now and start the process to clear, unmarked skin.
We're experts at what we do. But knowing the best techniques is only part of the process, we're also here to make you feel great. Whether you're here for a one-hour service or an entire day, your happiness is of utmost importance!
From the moment you walk in the door, our focus is on your complete relaxation. Our services are a great way to take a step back from the bustle of everyday life. Come take a break with us.
We offer affordable, safe and painless treatments for people of all ages. Our professionals have been carefully selected and trained, and we only use industry-approved, state-of-the-art technologies. It will be our pleasure to assists you- get in touch today!
Please note: we require a $35 nonrefundable deposit for all new client bookings. We will send an invoice to clients email address on file. Your appointment won't be confirmed until deposit is paid. The deposit will be applied to your service upon your visit. For failure to abide by our cancellation/reschedule policy and/or arriving >15 minutes late to your appointment we will assess a $25 fee to be applied to your next appointment. Please understand that our time is valuable (as is yours). We also would like to be clear that failure to pay the aforementioned fees and/or non-adherence to our schedule/cancellation policy may result in suspension of services to you. Thank you for understanding our time is valuable.
For additional questions/concerns feel free to contact by phone or email between the hours of operation. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Initial Consultation
Prior to your first treatment, you will be required to complete a medical questionnaire and consent form - this is to ensure that you have no contraindications to the procedure.
At your treatment
You will have photographs taken before you commence your course, and after each session. This will be repeated every treatment. Your photographs will remain confidential.
After care
each treatment have after care. We will provide a copy of after care for each treatment.
We think the safety and health for our clients and staff and due to the Covid 19 some of us are preferred to stay home and not exposed outside. The Bella DonFranze can service you at home for your convinience and safety in mind. Book in advance if you wanted to have us service you at home. We care for the safety, convinience and health of our loving clients.
Get 10% off your first purchase when you sign up for our newsletter!
Have a question about the service, the studio, the treatment, anything?
Email us at belladonfranze@gmail.com
deposits will save your spot of your appointment. $35 deposits is goes towards your service If you use pay using paypal there is 3% charge fee. if you dont want to charge extra fees you can send through to our cash app $BellaDonFranze26
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Welcome! to Bella DonFranze Where you can Relax, Refresh, Re imagine Confidence that YOU deserve!!!
Note: please contact us to schedule an appointment. We have a different booking system. If you did not receive a text or call from us your appointment is not yet confirm. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for the understanding. Book now!